
” The imperative for healing is that your healer is healthier and more evolved than the general population…with a lion’s heart and courage in doing their own personal work before asking you to do yours. Laura has, without a doubt, stepped into the darkest recesses of her pain without hesitation, knowing the true suffering of humanity as well as the truth of the path to light and healing. Her personal work has allowed for a merging of her soul, highest self, and authentic core self which provides a solid foundation for her work with others. Without hesitation, I recommend her as a healer of excellence for all who are searching for what they truly need.”

~ Lisa Schwarz, M.Ed., Licensed Psychologist and Developer of the Comprehensive Resource Model

“Laura is one of those rare folks who is gold to know. If you are looking for a warm-hearted and skillful facilitator, coach, or mentor, Laura is among the Very Best.” ~Dan Booth Cohen, PhD, MBA, Psychologist, Author, and Seeing With Your Heart Facilitator

“My sessions with Laura are seldom what I expect, and ALWAYS beneficial.” ~Paul R. client

“You seem to know just what to say, what to do, how to be with me. You listen so deeply, wisely and wakefully. You honor it all, whatever it is. With depth and levity, your support and guidance remind me that we are all connected, that our stories are vast and infinite, and that healing and growth are not linear. It is a profound gift to be on this journey with you. ~Kerri R., client

“Some of the most beautiful people who are making a radical difference in the world are not the ones you see all over social media. They are quietly and deliberately focusing on what matters and who matters, and are giving attention to life in ways we will never fully know. Laura Widman is one of these special souls. She is one of the biggest gifts in my life this year. If you want to grow in a big way, and seek a facilitator that has profound presence, openness, and fearlessness, please reach out to Laura. She is an absolute gift, and has so many too. She has opened doors in my heart, and my work with her has transformed my life in the most beautiful ways. I am so grateful.”~Aubri Hathaway, Centre for Systemic Arts, Australia

“I felt more supported working with Laura, than I ever have in my entire life. I am so thankful, beyond words.”
~ Amy H., client

“Since working with Laura, I have been astonished to feel a lifetime of limiting belief systems (that I have been working on for years) wash away. I now approach life with new eyes and with courage and confidence that have been missing for years. She works at a deep level using her intuition to guide her clients into healing at the very core of our wounds. I have never experienced anything so transformative and am profoundly grateful for the shifts I now feel. Laura is a gift to the planet.”
 ~ Amy P.

“Laura is a master at humbly creating the space for this process to unfold on its own. She doesn’t insert her own ego into the work, so there is a gentle allowance for humanity’s pain to be witnessed and flowed. It feels like both a personal and collective sigh of relief.”
~Scott P, client

“I am a licensed psychotherapist with a large young adult practice. I frequently refer clients to Laura Widman and her trans-generational epigenetic healing approach as well as her Clarity Coaching. She is my go-to practitioner for Family Constellations. Laura is committed to her own personal healing and it shows in the efficacy of her work with the clients we share.
She has my highest recommendation.” ~ Amanda, Licensed therapist

“Working with Laura is the deepest most powerful work I know.”
~ Karma Machlachlan, client

“Laura Widman’s work transcends time and place. She holds the sacred space that is necessary to heal your oldest wounds and manifest a new, freer way of being. No one could ask for a better guide on the journey of going inward, letting go of what is not yours to carry, and aligning with your heart’s truest desires.”
~ Jess L., client

“Laura is like an alchemist, helping you turn your darkness into gold.”
~ Jan G., client

“Laura has this natural ability to connect deeply to you, making you feel instantly at ease and welcome. She is one of the most generous, compassionate and intuitive persons that I have ever met. Sometimes it almost feels as if she can read your soul. Her feedback is always right on. On top of that her cheerful personality is a pleasure to be around. During our Wilderness Soultrek Circle she released someone from a painful past, and this was one of the most amazing experiences I have ever witnessed. “
~ Marie M., circle participant

“Laura is a healer that knows how to get out of her own way so that deep soul connection can take place within her work. She has a way of listening to people beyond what words can express, to truly find the root of where healing needs to happen.”
~ Mackenzie Rae, client

“From the moment we start, we shift into sacred space where we engage purposefully and open heartedly. Laura facilitates and co-creates with constant care, allowing, and guiding the narrative to express our stories. It always feels amazing after a session–light years lighter and ready to go back to daily routines.”
~ Caren K., client

“Laura has a unique gift in being a bridge between us and our deepest core, allowing us to reunite in real time and bring to awareness our light as held in the bigger light. I am so grateful!”
~ Suzanne S., client

“Laura is an incredibly kind, generous and intuitive empath. She has changed my life. I’m a 26- year-old graduate student who suffered from anxiety and depression. I’m so grateful to know and work with Laura over the phone long distance, as she has helped me gain clarity and contentment in my life right now, as well as the confidence to break old and distant patterns of thinking and being ushering in new, authentic, and electrifying pathways.”
~ Jen F., client

“I have worked with Laura many times over the years, both one and one sessions and in groups, and I am always astounded by the accuracy of what comes through her during our sessions. So many of my physical ailments have been alleviated once the root cause was revealed. It is almost as if all you really have to do is show up and see what is present and let your being take
care of the rest. Things heal once given the chance.”
~ Chris

“ What happens in these gatherings is difficult to describe. I think we are able to deliver messages from a Knowing that wants the best for each of us…I was delighted to find a group and a method that supports consciousness and healing through free expression of the awareness that is available to all of us. By opening to our intuition and what I would call grace, we supported and informed each other in ways that left me in Awe!”
~ Dave, client

“This is a genius approach to let the soul take the lead to reveal and release old traumas and pain. Laura made me feel so safe and the work made me feel whole, complete, and capable, like I have never felt before!”
~ Susanne S., client

“Authentically heart-centered healers are rare, but I am happy to have worked with one of the best! Laura stands strongly in the light with all of the love she is, holding nothing back. It was life-saving for me to work with her and be in her field. Since working with Laura my life has opened in ways I had only dreamed of. My career life has also changed so that I am now doing
exactly what I have always wanted. Truly miraculous work.”
~ Caroline P.,client

“Laura is a skilled practitioner who has synthesized multiple healing modalities to achieve the best outcome for each individual. She is also sensitive, caring, and respectful of both the client and the process. For me, she demonstrated the use of creative intuition to bring about the resolution of key issues, allowing me to find fresh perspectives that were invaluable and
otherwise unavailable to me. I wholeheartedly recommend her services to anyone!”
~ Sharon P., client

“Working with Laura has helped me get out of my own way, and stand connected in my Truth, strengthening my own Voice and, this has helped me take action now, in a more satisfying way.”
~ Barbara J., client

“The work that Laura does is about shining light on that which wants or needs to be seen. It’s about bringing something invisible up to the surface or out into the open, making it visible and accessible. Luminous packets of emotional human experience form stunning insights, revealing a piece of the mysterious latticework of life.”
~ Sharon P., client

“The time we spend together is very grounding, very quieting. Our weekly Learning Circles are like a collective moving meditation for me, almost like an embodied Mandala.”
~ Nancy, client

“This is like playtime for adults! This is like the kind of thing I did as a kid, but with the experience and knowledge of an adult. When we did this group work, I found myself letting go of the normal rules of relating. I felt I was in a safe and nurturing environment that was expertly guided by Laura. I used my intuition, my sense of “what is” and let go of my own story in order to allow the messages to flow through me and to serve as support for other members of our group. This led us to spontaneously create mini-vignettes addressing individual and universal themes, feelings, and needs. When I saw my own issue being flowed by the group (no one knew it was mine, except me) I allowed the healing work to be done, the resolution to be achieved, without the feeling that I needed to remember the details of what was said or done. I had a deep trust that my issue was being addressed and helped along towards more harmony in my life. This work deeply touched me, and I found myself easily able to drop in and fully participate.”
~ Andy, client

“Surprising, immersion, fun, flow, fairly instant comfort in a group of people I didn’t even know. Genuine warmth, feast for my senses…
~ Kim, client

“Flowing the Field can be so gentle and yet so impactful, giving you exactly the information you need to connect the dots.”
~ Margaret, client

“I just started to work with Laura after seeing a total shift in two of my friends. It is like their whole energy and demeanor have transformed. They are able to be more vibrant and relaxed. I just did my first constellation with Laura, and wow, the insights I gained from that piece of work have shifted how I see my family. I am still processing and integrating and yearning to do more.”
~ Julianne F., client

“Laura is a great listener and inspiring person. My problems became light and in perspective.”
~Simone R.,client

“Laura is a wise healer. Open your heart to this woman and you’ll be glad that you did.”
~ Erika Rado, circle participant